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Ownlife Records


Bands come and go, but the music remains. Consider these albums as historical records of particular places, times, and attitudes.

Ownlife Records is a very small music company and distro based out of Lawrence, KS in the middle of North America on this planet Earth during the early 21st century C.E.

A tree will be planted for each CD/LP sold.


Ownlife Records @ Twitter

Ownlife Records @ Facebook

Ownlife Records @ SoundCloud

Ownlife Records @ Bandcamp


Physical: TBD

Digital: Stream and purchase our digital/physical media at Bandcamp. Our catalog is also available on all the usual streaming and downloading platforms.

Mail Order

If you prefer good ol' fashioned mail order, use the contact page to send me an email with what you want (goes straight to my phone) and I will get you a total and mailing address ASAP.

Shipping & Handling

Format: Initial charge / per additional item

CD: $3.00 / $0.50 (depends on packaging)
12" vinyl: $4.00 / $1.00
7" vinyl: $3.00 / $0.50

Basically, you save on shipping by ordering even just one additional item


Stores and distros: contact me if you want to carry our releases in your store and would like wholesale rates